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Titolo: Mystery Science Theater 3000
Titolo episodio: Danger: Diabolik
Data di rilascio: 1999-08-08
Durata: 92
Generi: Comedy, Sci-Fi
Reti: Comedy Central

Sommario Mystery Science Theater 3000
Movie Plot: A super spy tries to steal a large chunk of gold.Intro: Servo finds the SOL employee handbook, which is written in typical Forrester dictator style. Segment One: Pearl has hooked the SOL up to a joystick and starts to mess with the crew. The joystick breaks and initiates the SOL's re-entry system. Brain Guy and Pearl are helpless to stop the SOL's return, which has Pearl quite upset. Segment Two: Servo disposes of the many Servo clones on the ship. Segment Three: The residents of the castle are moving on with life: Pearl becomes dictator for life of Qatar, Bobo gets a "job" at the zoo, and Brain Guy becomes the oracle of a planet. Segment Four: Crow is nervous about going to Earth, so Mike writes a song to make him feel better. Crow feels better, but the song makes Servo afraid. Segment Five: The residents of the Castle do a Mary Tyler Moore style good bye. The SOL violently crashlands on Earth. Gypsy starts a successfull Fortune 500 company called ConGypsCo. Mike, Servo and Crow settle into their small apartment to watch the strangely familiar "The Crawling Eye"

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - 1988 Trailer
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